Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Xbox 360)

random genres graphics themes release info hardware features

            Series : Call of Duty
         Developer : Infinity Ward
             Music : Brian Tyler
             Genre : First person shooter
            Themes : Military

      Achievements :

not completed.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


Scores - Survival:
 15 ..............  on 2016-11-12
 10 ..............  on 2015-05-07
  5 ..............  on 2015-05-07

Log entries

  • I ordered a used copy of this murder simulator exclusively to play its Spec Ops missions, one of the greatest elements of the CoD franchise. Also, it's a reason to set up my good old 360 again, which has been disconnected for a while now.
  • Got the score 5 in Survival. I reached wave 5.
  • Got the score 10 in Survival. Reached wave 10 on easy difficulty in Survival. Damn Juggernauts.
  • 2016-11-12
  • Got the score 15 in Survival. This survival mode is OK.
  • After playing the survival mode and enjoying it, I tried started the Campaign and played through the first couple of chapters in Act I. I can't really get into it, and I guess I have problems with Call of Duty-style campaigns in general. I'm writing a few notes about that.
  • I have played through a few Call of Duty-style campaigns, and I don't know if I want to play any more. Due to the quality of the gunplay and the generally great graphics, I have had moments of enjoyment out of these campaigns, but they have increasingly got on my nerves. These are four problems I have with Call of Duty campaigns:
    • What is going on? The storytelling is purposefully confusing. Every load screen tells a little bit about the state of the world, with confusingly animated world maps. When I'm in a mission, the explody nature of everything makes it hard to concentrate about any dialogue. The enemy soldiers and your own comrades are dressed in slightly different shades of grey, and I just shoot at everyone just to be sure.
    • Too many interruptions. Call of Duty does one thing and only one thing well, and that is shooting dudes. During the campaign, the real gameplay is constantly interrupted by turret and racing sequences, which all look amazing, but are uninteresting to play. It leaves me unsatisfied every time, and I end up wanting to skip to the next gun battle, or stop playing altogether.
    • Everything is always exploding. These campaigns have everything turned up to 11 at all times. And after about 10 minutes, when your brain compensates, everything is at 0 and will stay there for the rest of the game.
    • I don't care. No area or character stays long enough on the screen for me to care about them. Missions are short, and you jump between characters, which communicate with their surroundings by either shooting them with an assault rifle, or being yelled at. I never get a sense of atmosphere or belonging to any area, and all characters mush together into one modern military army dude barking orders at me.
  • 2016-11-19
  • Survival mode is a lot of fun. If I wanted to set a goal for this mode, I could go for the 'Survivor' achievement, reaching Wave 10 in every mission.

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Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.2.14 2024-04-26